Relevant and timely data to track and analyse the global economy
Helping economists and investors make sense of the fast-changing economy, CEIC’s Global offering provides a unique blend of traditional and alternative data to get timely and accurate insights into the state of the economy.
With timely updates of economic data provided by official sources complimented by high-frequency and granular alternative data, economists and investment analysts can stay on top of macroeconomic trends for a selected country or region. Alongside local sources, our Global product provides comparable country-level data from international institutions like the IMF and the World Bank allowing cross-country analysis. Moreover, the recent introduction of ESG data into Global Database offers an additional dimension of macroeconomic analysis and helps to assess long-term challenges such as sustainability, inequality and environmental impact.
Key Benefits of our Global Database

- Comprehensive and curated coverage of local official statistics enhanced with data from international institutions such as the IMF, the World Bank and the OECD
- Alternative data to provide more timely and granular insights on the recent economic trends.
- Proprietary data and insights to aid comparisons and support analysis
- ESG coverage for assessment of long-term challenges such as economic sustainability, inequality and environmental impact
- User-friendly and intuitive platform for discovering the most relevant series, quickly creating and sharing insights and visualisations
- Seamless integration with API solution facilitating data integration into data repository or third-party applications
- Import data from external sources and use them together with CEIC data aggregates from more than 2,500 sources
- Our local teams of analysts have an unrivalled expertise of working with hard-to-get data in emerging markets and beyond
- Reliable round-the-clock customer support with in-depth and local knowledge of the data, release schedules, economic classifications, gaps and delays
- High-quality metadata including detailed footnotes and remarks providing clarity on the methodology and data attributes
What type of data is included?

Macro Economic Data Coverage: National Accounts, Government and Public Finance, Socio and Demographic, Labor Market, Domestic Trade and Household Survey, Foreign Trade, Balance of Payments, Investment, Business and Economic Survey, Monetary, Interest and Foreign Exchange Inflation, Financial Market

Industry Sector Data Coverage: Agriculture, Automobile, Banking, Bio-fuel, Chemical and Petrochemical, Construction and Properties, Energy, Machinery and Equipment, Metal and Steel, Mining and Manufacturing, Tourism, Transport and Telecommunication, Wholesale Trade, Retail Trade, Repair of Automotive and Motorcycles.

Alternative Data Coverage: E-Commerce, Online Job Postings, Mobility Trends, GDP and Inflation Nowcasting, Daily and Weekly Property Transactions, Real-Time Passenger and Freight Traffic, Internet Search Trends, Credit Card Transactions.